Graph Maker
WMG_Axis Class Reference

The axis used in WMG_Axis_Chart for X / Y axes, as well as secondary Y axis in Dual Y axis charts. More...

Inheritance diagram for WMG_Axis:
WMG_GUI_Functions WMG_Text_Functions

Public Types

enum  labelTypes { labelTypes.ticks, labelTypes.ticks_center, labelTypes.groups, labelTypes.manual }
- Public Types inherited from WMG_Text_Functions
enum  WMGpivotTypes {
  WMGpivotTypes.Bottom, WMGpivotTypes.BottomLeft, WMGpivotTypes.BottomRight, WMGpivotTypes.Center,
  WMGpivotTypes.Left, WMGpivotTypes.Right, WMGpivotTypes.Top, WMGpivotTypes.TopLeft,

Public Member Functions

delegate string AxisLabelLabeler (WMG_Axis axis, int labelIndex)
void Init (WMG_Axis otherAxis, WMG_Axis otherAxis2, bool isY, bool isSecondary)
void PauseCallbacks ()
void ResumeCallbacks ()
void setOriginalPropertyValues ()
void setDualYAxes ()
void setAxisTopRight (bool rightAbove)
void setAxisBotLeft (bool rightAbove)
void setAxisMiddle (bool rightAbove)
void setOtherAxisNonTickPercent (float val)
void setOtherAxisTick (int val)
void setOtherHideTick (bool val)
void setOtherRightAbove (bool val)
void setOtherArrowBotLeft (bool val)
void setOtherArrowTopRight (bool val)
void possiblyHideTickBasedOnPercent ()
void ChangeOrientation ()
void ChangeOrientationEnd (labelTypes tLabelType, float tAxisMaxValue, float tAxisMinValue, int tAxisNumTicks, int tnumDecimalsAxisLabels, bool tMinAutoGrow, bool tMaxAutoGrow, bool tMinAutoShrink, bool tMaxAutoShrink, bool tSetLabelsUsingMaxMin, float tAxisLabelSpacing, string tAxisTitleString, List< string > tLabels, bool tHideTicks, bool tHideGrid)
void updateAxesRelativeToOrigin (float originVal)
void UpdateAxesGridsAndTicks ()
void UpdateTitle ()
void UpdateAxesMinMaxValues ()
void UpdateAxesLabels ()
void setLabelScales (float newScale)
List< WMG_NodeGetAxisLabelNodes ()
 Gets the axis label nodes. More...
List< WMG_NodeGetAxisTickNodes ()
 Gets the axis tick nodes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_GUI_Functions
void SetActive (GameObject obj, bool state)
bool activeInHierarchy (GameObject obj)
void SetActiveAnchoredSprite (GameObject obj, bool state)
void SetActiveImage (GameObject obj, bool state)
Texture2D getTexture (GameObject obj)
void setTexture (GameObject obj, Sprite sprite)
void changeSpriteFill (GameObject obj, float fill)
void changeRadialSpriteRotation (GameObject obj, Vector3 newRot)
void changeSpriteColor (GameObject obj, Color aColor)
void changeSpriteAlpha (GameObject obj, float alpha)
float getSpriteAlpha (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteWidth (GameObject obj, int aWidth)
void changeSpriteHeight (GameObject obj, int aHeight)
void setTextureMaterial (GameObject obj, Material aMat)
Material getTextureMaterial (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteSize (GameObject obj, int aWidth, int aHeight)
void changeSpriteSizeFloat (GameObject obj, float aWidth, float aHeight)
Vector2 getSpriteSize (GameObject obj)
void changeBarWidthHeight (GameObject obj, int aWidth, int aHeight)
float getSpriteWidth (GameObject obj)
float getSpriteHeight (GameObject obj)
float getTextWidth (GameObject obj)
float getTextHeight (GameObject obj)
void forceUpdateText (GameObject obj)
void setAnchor (GameObject go, Vector2 anchor, Vector2 pivot, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
void setAnchoredPosition (GameObject go, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
void stretchToParent (GameObject go)
bool rectIntersectRect (GameObject r1, GameObject r2)
void getRectDiffs (GameObject child, GameObject container, ref Vector2 xDif, ref Vector2 yDif)
float getSpritePositionX (GameObject obj)
float getSpritePositionY (GameObject obj)
Vector2 getSpritePositionXY (GameObject obj)
float getSpritePivotTopToBot (GameObject obj)
Vector3 getPositionRelativeTransform (GameObject obj, GameObject relative)
void changePositionByRelativeTransform (GameObject obj, GameObject relative, Vector2 delta)
void changeSpritePositionTo (GameObject obj, Vector3 newPos)
void changeSpritePositionToX (GameObject obj, float newPos)
void changeSpritePositionToY (GameObject obj, float newPos)
Vector2 getChangeSpritePositionTo (GameObject obj, Vector2 newPos)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjBy (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, Vector3 changeAmt)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjByX (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, float changeAmt)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjByY (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, float changeAmt)
Vector2 getSpritePivot (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteParent (GameObject child, GameObject parent)
void getFirstCanvasOnSelfOrParent (Transform trans, ref Canvas canv)
void addRaycaster (GameObject obj)
void setAsNotInteractible (GameObject obj)
void bringSpriteToFront (GameObject obj)
void sendSpriteToBack (GameObject obj)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Text_Functions
void changeLabelText (GameObject obj, string aText)
void changeLabelFontSize (GameObject obj, int newFontSize)
Vector2 getTextSize (GameObject obj)
void changeSpritePivot (GameObject obj, WMGpivotTypes theType)
void changeLabelColor (GameObject obj, Color newColor)
void changeLabelFontStyle (GameObject obj, FontStyle newFontStyle)
void changeLabelFont (GameObject obj, Font newFont)

Public Attributes

WMG_Axis_Graph graph
WMG_List< string > axisLabels = new WMG_List<string>()
GameObject AxisTitle
GameObject GridLines
GameObject AxisTicks
GameObject AxisLine
GameObject AxisArrowUR
GameObject AxisArrowDL
GameObject AxisObj
GameObject AxisLabelObjs
Vector2 anchorVec
AxisLabelLabeler axisLabelLabeler
 Use to override the default labeler for axis labels to put for example dollar signs for the labels. More...


float AxisMinValue [get, set]
 Determines where each point / bar in a series gets positioned. More...
float AxisMaxValue [get, set]
 Determines where each point / bar in a series gets positioned. More...
int AxisNumTicks [get, set]
 This determines the number of ticks that appear on each axis. More...
bool MinAutoGrow [get, set]
 Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMinValue automatically grows based on WMG_Series data, where growth amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent. More...
bool MaxAutoGrow [get, set]
 Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMaxValue automatically grows based on WMG_Series data, where growth amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent. More...
bool MinAutoShrink [get, set]
 Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMinValue automatically shrinks based on WMG_Series data, where shrink occurs at WMG_Axis_Graph::autoShrinkAtPercent and shrink amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent. More...
bool MaxAutoShrink [get, set]
 Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMaxValue automatically shrinks based on WMG_Series data, where shrink occurs at WMG_Axis_Graph::autoShrinkAtPercent and shrink amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent. More...
float AxisLinePadding [get, set]
 Controls how much more space is extended beyond the actual axis length, useful to control how far axis arrows are away from the last tick / gridline. More...
bool AxisUseNonTickPercent [get, set]
 Whether or not axes are positioned based on percentages rather than on fixed grid ticks. More...
float AxisNonTickPercent [get, set]
 The percentage (0-1) position of this axis. More...
bool HideAxisArrowTopRight [get, set]
 Whether to hide the top / right axis arrow. More...
bool HideAxisArrowBotLeft [get, set]
 Whether to hide the bot / left axis arrow. More...
bool AxisArrowTopRight [get, set]
 Whether the top / right axis arrow is visible, this is automatically controlled by axes types, use HideAxisArrowTopRight to always hide. More...
bool AxisArrowBotLeft [get, set]
 Whether the bot / left axis arrow is visible, this is automatically controlled by axes types, use HideAxisArrowBotLeft to always hide. More...
bool AxisTicksRightAbove [get, set]
 Whether axis ticks are to the right / above the axis line, this is automatically controlled by axes types. More...
int AxisTick [get, set]
 The tick index at which this axis is placed, this is automatically controlled. More...
bool hideTick [get, set]
 Whether the tick label of AxisTick is hidden, this is automatically controlled. More...
labelTypes LabelType [get, set]
 The label type determines what labels are used and where they are positioned. More...
int AxisLabelSkipInterval [get, set]
 Determines how often a label is shown on the axes. More...
int AxisLabelSkipStart [get, set]
 Determines how many labels to skip at the start to show on the axis, e.g. More...
float AxisLabelRotation [get, set]
 Rotates all the labels with the specified number of degrees. More...
bool SetLabelsUsingMaxMin [get, set]
 If this is true, then the axisLabels get automatically set based on AxisNumTicks, AxisMaxValue, AxisMinValue, and numDecimalsAxisLabels. More...
int AxisLabelSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the size of the axis labels. More...
Color AxisLabelColor [get, set]
 Gets or sets the color of the axis labels. More...
FontStyle AxisLabelFontStyle [get, set]
 Gets or sets the axis label font style. More...
Font AxisLabelFont [get, set]
 Gets or sets the axis label font. More...
int numDecimalsAxisLabels [get, set]
 Gets or sets the number of decimals used in axis labels, used when SetLabelsUsingMaxMin = true. More...
bool hideLabels [get, set]
 Whether or not all the axes labels for this axis are hidden. More...
float AxisLabelSpaceOffset [get, set]
 Controls the amount of space between the axis line and the axis labels. More...
float AxisLabelSpacing [get, set]
 Only needs to be set manually for WMG_Axis_Graph::axesType = manual. More...
float AxisLabelDistBetween [get, set]
 Only needs to be set manually for WMG_Axis_Graph::axesType = manual. More...
bool hideGrid [get, set]
 Determines whether grid lines for this axis appear. More...
bool hideTicks [get, set]
 Determines whether tick marks for this axis appear. More...
bool hideAxisLine [get, set]
 Whether or not the axis line is visible. More...
string AxisTitleString [get, set]
 Gets or sets the axis title string. More...
Vector2 AxisTitleOffset [get, set]
 Gets or sets the axis title offset position relative to the axis line. More...
int AxisTitleFontSize [get, set]
 Gets or sets the size of the axis title font. More...
float AxisLength [get]
int origAxisLabelSize [get]
float origAxisLabelSpaceOffset [get]
int origAxisTitleFontSize [get]
Vector2 origAxisTitleOffset [get]
float origAxisLinePadding [get]
Vector2 origAxisArrowSize [get]
bool isY [get]
bool isSecondary [get]

Detailed Description

The axis used in WMG_Axis_Chart for X / Y axes, as well as secondary Y axis in Dual Y axis charts.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ labelTypes

enum WMG_Axis.labelTypes

Member Function Documentation

◆ AxisLabelLabeler()

delegate string WMG_Axis.AxisLabelLabeler ( WMG_Axis  axis,
int  labelIndex 

◆ ChangeOrientation()

void WMG_Axis.ChangeOrientation ( )

◆ ChangeOrientationEnd()

void WMG_Axis.ChangeOrientationEnd ( labelTypes  tLabelType,
float  tAxisMaxValue,
float  tAxisMinValue,
int  tAxisNumTicks,
int  tnumDecimalsAxisLabels,
bool  tMinAutoGrow,
bool  tMaxAutoGrow,
bool  tMinAutoShrink,
bool  tMaxAutoShrink,
bool  tSetLabelsUsingMaxMin,
float  tAxisLabelSpacing,
string  tAxisTitleString,
List< string >  tLabels,
bool  tHideTicks,
bool  tHideGrid 

◆ GetAxisLabelNodes()

List<WMG_Node> WMG_Axis.GetAxisLabelNodes ( )

Gets the axis label nodes.

The axis label nodes.

◆ GetAxisTickNodes()

List<WMG_Node> WMG_Axis.GetAxisTickNodes ( )

Gets the axis tick nodes.

The axis tick nodes.

◆ Init()

void WMG_Axis.Init ( WMG_Axis  otherAxis,
WMG_Axis  otherAxis2,
bool  isY,
bool  isSecondary 

◆ PauseCallbacks()

void WMG_Axis.PauseCallbacks ( )

◆ possiblyHideTickBasedOnPercent()

void WMG_Axis.possiblyHideTickBasedOnPercent ( )

◆ ResumeCallbacks()

void WMG_Axis.ResumeCallbacks ( )

◆ setAxisBotLeft()

void WMG_Axis.setAxisBotLeft ( bool  rightAbove)

◆ setAxisMiddle()

void WMG_Axis.setAxisMiddle ( bool  rightAbove)

◆ setAxisTopRight()

void WMG_Axis.setAxisTopRight ( bool  rightAbove)

◆ setDualYAxes()

void WMG_Axis.setDualYAxes ( )

◆ setLabelScales()

void WMG_Axis.setLabelScales ( float  newScale)

◆ setOriginalPropertyValues()

void WMG_Axis.setOriginalPropertyValues ( )

◆ setOtherArrowBotLeft()

void WMG_Axis.setOtherArrowBotLeft ( bool  val)

◆ setOtherArrowTopRight()

void WMG_Axis.setOtherArrowTopRight ( bool  val)

◆ setOtherAxisNonTickPercent()

void WMG_Axis.setOtherAxisNonTickPercent ( float  val)

◆ setOtherAxisTick()

void WMG_Axis.setOtherAxisTick ( int  val)

◆ setOtherHideTick()

void WMG_Axis.setOtherHideTick ( bool  val)

◆ setOtherRightAbove()

void WMG_Axis.setOtherRightAbove ( bool  val)

◆ UpdateAxesGridsAndTicks()

void WMG_Axis.UpdateAxesGridsAndTicks ( )

◆ UpdateAxesLabels()

void WMG_Axis.UpdateAxesLabels ( )

◆ UpdateAxesMinMaxValues()

void WMG_Axis.UpdateAxesMinMaxValues ( )

◆ updateAxesRelativeToOrigin()

void WMG_Axis.updateAxesRelativeToOrigin ( float  originVal)

◆ UpdateTitle()

void WMG_Axis.UpdateTitle ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ anchorVec

Vector2 WMG_Axis.anchorVec

◆ AxisArrowDL

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisArrowDL

◆ AxisArrowUR

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisArrowUR

◆ axisLabelLabeler

AxisLabelLabeler WMG_Axis.axisLabelLabeler

Use to override the default labeler for axis labels to put for example dollar signs for the labels.

graph.yAxis.axisLabelLabeler = customYAxisLabelLabeler;
string customYAxisLabelLabeler(WMG_Axis axis, int labelIndex) {}

◆ AxisLabelObjs

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisLabelObjs

◆ axisLabels

WMG_List<string> WMG_Axis.axisLabels = new WMG_List<string>()

◆ AxisLine

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisLine

◆ AxisObj

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisObj

◆ AxisTicks

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisTicks

◆ AxisTitle

GameObject WMG_Axis.AxisTitle

◆ graph

WMG_Axis_Graph WMG_Axis.graph

◆ GridLines

GameObject WMG_Axis.GridLines

Property Documentation

◆ AxisArrowBotLeft

bool WMG_Axis.AxisArrowBotLeft

Whether the bot / left axis arrow is visible, this is automatically controlled by axes types, use HideAxisArrowBotLeft to always hide.

true if axis arrow bot left; otherwise, false.

◆ AxisArrowTopRight

bool WMG_Axis.AxisArrowTopRight

Whether the top / right axis arrow is visible, this is automatically controlled by axes types, use HideAxisArrowTopRight to always hide.

true if axis arrow top right; otherwise, false.

◆ AxisLabelColor

Color WMG_Axis.AxisLabelColor

Gets or sets the color of the axis labels.

The color of the axis labels.

◆ AxisLabelDistBetween

float WMG_Axis.AxisLabelDistBetween

Only needs to be set manually for WMG_Axis_Graph::axesType = manual.

This is the amount of space between each label.

The axis label dist between.

◆ AxisLabelFont

Font WMG_Axis.AxisLabelFont

Gets or sets the axis label font.

The axis label font.

◆ AxisLabelFontStyle

FontStyle WMG_Axis.AxisLabelFontStyle

Gets or sets the axis label font style.

The axis label font style.

◆ AxisLabelRotation

float WMG_Axis.AxisLabelRotation

Rotates all the labels with the specified number of degrees.

The axis label rotation.

◆ AxisLabelSize

int WMG_Axis.AxisLabelSize

Gets or sets the size of the axis labels.

The size of the axis labels.

◆ AxisLabelSkipInterval

int WMG_Axis.AxisLabelSkipInterval

Determines how often a label is shown on the axes.

For example at 0, all labels are shown, at 1, every other label, and at 2 every other 2 labels. Useful if you have alot of data (e.g. 365 day strings stored in WMG_Axis_Graph::groups, and only want to display every week or couple weeks worth.

The axis label skip interval.

◆ AxisLabelSkipStart

int WMG_Axis.AxisLabelSkipStart

Determines how many labels to skip at the start to show on the axis, e.g.

a value of 1 will skip the first label.

The axis label skip start.

◆ AxisLabelSpaceOffset

float WMG_Axis.AxisLabelSpaceOffset

Controls the amount of space between the axis line and the axis labels.

The axis label space offset.

◆ AxisLabelSpacing

float WMG_Axis.AxisLabelSpacing

Only needs to be set manually for WMG_Axis_Graph::axesType = manual.

Controls how much all of the labels are offset in the direction of the axis line.

The axis label spacing.

◆ AxisLength

float WMG_Axis.AxisLength

◆ AxisLinePadding

float WMG_Axis.AxisLinePadding

Controls how much more space is extended beyond the actual axis length, useful to control how far axis arrows are away from the last tick / gridline.

The axis line padding.

◆ AxisMaxValue

float WMG_Axis.AxisMaxValue

Determines where each point / bar in a series gets positioned.

The axis minimum value.

◆ AxisMinValue

float WMG_Axis.AxisMinValue

Determines where each point / bar in a series gets positioned.

The axis minimum value.

◆ AxisNonTickPercent

float WMG_Axis.AxisNonTickPercent

The percentage (0-1) position of this axis.

The axis non tick percent.

◆ AxisNumTicks

int WMG_Axis.AxisNumTicks

This determines the number of ticks that appear on each axis.

Each tick can also be associated with a tick label and the gridlines are also aligned with the ticks. This value must be 2 or higher. If there is no need to have ticks for your graph, set hideTicks = true.

The axis number ticks.

◆ AxisTick

int WMG_Axis.AxisTick

The tick index at which this axis is placed, this is automatically controlled.

The axis tick.

◆ AxisTicksRightAbove

bool WMG_Axis.AxisTicksRightAbove

Whether axis ticks are to the right / above the axis line, this is automatically controlled by axes types.

true if axis ticks right above; otherwise, false.

◆ AxisTitleFontSize

int WMG_Axis.AxisTitleFontSize

Gets or sets the size of the axis title font.

The size of the axis title font.

◆ AxisTitleOffset

Vector2 WMG_Axis.AxisTitleOffset

Gets or sets the axis title offset position relative to the axis line.

The axis title offset.

◆ AxisTitleString

string WMG_Axis.AxisTitleString

Gets or sets the axis title string.

The axis title string.

◆ AxisUseNonTickPercent

bool WMG_Axis.AxisUseNonTickPercent

Whether or not axes are positioned based on percentages rather than on fixed grid ticks.

This should be enabled when WMG_Axis_Graph::axesType is of an AUTO_ORIGIN type.

true if axis use non tick percent; otherwise, false.

◆ HideAxisArrowBotLeft

bool WMG_Axis.HideAxisArrowBotLeft

Whether to hide the bot / left axis arrow.

true if hide axis arrow bot left; otherwise, false.

◆ HideAxisArrowTopRight

bool WMG_Axis.HideAxisArrowTopRight

Whether to hide the top / right axis arrow.

true if hide axis arrow top right; otherwise, false.

◆ hideAxisLine

bool WMG_Axis.hideAxisLine

Whether or not the axis line is visible.

true if hide axis line; otherwise, false.

◆ hideGrid

bool WMG_Axis.hideGrid

Determines whether grid lines for this axis appear.

true if hide grid; otherwise, false.

◆ hideLabels

bool WMG_Axis.hideLabels

Whether or not all the axes labels for this axis are hidden.

true if hide labels; otherwise, false.

◆ hideTick

bool WMG_Axis.hideTick

Whether the tick label of AxisTick is hidden, this is automatically controlled.

true if hide tick; otherwise, false.

◆ hideTicks

bool WMG_Axis.hideTicks

Determines whether tick marks for this axis appear.

true if hide ticks; otherwise, false.

◆ isSecondary

bool WMG_Axis.isSecondary

◆ isY

bool WMG_Axis.isY

◆ LabelType

labelTypes WMG_Axis.LabelType

The label type determines what labels are used and where they are positioned.

◆ MaxAutoGrow

bool WMG_Axis.MaxAutoGrow

Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMaxValue automatically grows based on WMG_Series data, where growth amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent.

true if max auto grow; otherwise, false.

◆ MaxAutoShrink

bool WMG_Axis.MaxAutoShrink

Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMaxValue automatically shrinks based on WMG_Series data, where shrink occurs at WMG_Axis_Graph::autoShrinkAtPercent and shrink amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent.

true if max auto shrink; otherwise, false.

◆ MinAutoGrow

bool WMG_Axis.MinAutoGrow

Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMinValue automatically grows based on WMG_Series data, where growth amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent.

true if minimum auto grow; otherwise, false.

◆ MinAutoShrink

bool WMG_Axis.MinAutoShrink

Determines whether the absolute value of AxisMinValue automatically shrinks based on WMG_Series data, where shrink occurs at WMG_Axis_Graph::autoShrinkAtPercent and shrink amount is determined by WMG_Axis_Graph::autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent.

true if minimum auto shrink; otherwise, false.

◆ numDecimalsAxisLabels

int WMG_Axis.numDecimalsAxisLabels

Gets or sets the number of decimals used in axis labels, used when SetLabelsUsingMaxMin = true.

The number decimals axis labels.

◆ origAxisArrowSize

Vector2 WMG_Axis.origAxisArrowSize

◆ origAxisLabelSize

int WMG_Axis.origAxisLabelSize

◆ origAxisLabelSpaceOffset

float WMG_Axis.origAxisLabelSpaceOffset

◆ origAxisLinePadding

float WMG_Axis.origAxisLinePadding

◆ origAxisTitleFontSize

int WMG_Axis.origAxisTitleFontSize

◆ origAxisTitleOffset

Vector2 WMG_Axis.origAxisTitleOffset

◆ SetLabelsUsingMaxMin

bool WMG_Axis.SetLabelsUsingMaxMin

If this is true, then the axisLabels get automatically set based on AxisNumTicks, AxisMaxValue, AxisMinValue, and numDecimalsAxisLabels.

true if set labels using max minimum; otherwise, false.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: