Graph Maker
WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice:
WMG_Node WMG_GUI_Functions WMG_Text_Functions

Public Attributes

GameObject objectToMask
float slicePercent
float slicePercentPosition
WMG_Pie_Graph pieRef
int sliceIndex
- Public Attributes inherited from WMG_Node
int id
 The unique id of this node per instance of WMG_Graph_Manager. More...
float radius
 The radius of this node if it represents a circle, and half the width of this node if it represents a square. More...
bool isSquare
 Whether or not this node represents a square or a circle. More...
int numLinks = 0
 The number of links connected with this node. More...
List< GameObject > links = new List<GameObject>()
 The links connected with this node. More...
List< float > linkAngles = new List<float>()
 The angles of the links connected with this node. More...
GameObject objectToScale
 Reference to the object that should change scale for this node, typically it is the same object to which this node is attached. More...
GameObject objectToColor
 Reference to the object that should change color for this node, could be a separate child object of this node. More...
GameObject objectToLabel
 Reference to the object that should change label for this node, could be a separate child object of this node. More...
bool isSelected = false
bool wasSelected = false
bool BFS_mark
int BFS_depth
float Dijkstra_depth
WMG_Series seriesRef

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from WMG_Text_Functions
enum  WMGpivotTypes {
  WMGpivotTypes.Bottom, WMGpivotTypes.BottomLeft, WMGpivotTypes.BottomRight, WMGpivotTypes.Center,
  WMGpivotTypes.Left, WMGpivotTypes.Right, WMGpivotTypes.Top, WMGpivotTypes.TopLeft,
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Node
GameObject CreateLink (GameObject target, Object prefabLink, int linkId, GameObject parent, bool repos)
 Create a link between two nodes. More...
virtual void Reposition (float x, float y)
 Update the position of this node. More...
void SetID (int newID)
 Set node Id. More...
void RepositionRelativeToNode (WMG_Node fromNode, bool fixAngle, int degreeStep, float lengthStep)
 Repositions this node relative to another node. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_GUI_Functions
void SetActive (GameObject obj, bool state)
bool activeInHierarchy (GameObject obj)
void SetActiveAnchoredSprite (GameObject obj, bool state)
void SetActiveImage (GameObject obj, bool state)
Texture2D getTexture (GameObject obj)
void setTexture (GameObject obj, Sprite sprite)
void changeSpriteFill (GameObject obj, float fill)
void changeRadialSpriteRotation (GameObject obj, Vector3 newRot)
void changeSpriteColor (GameObject obj, Color aColor)
void changeSpriteAlpha (GameObject obj, float alpha)
float getSpriteAlpha (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteWidth (GameObject obj, int aWidth)
void changeSpriteHeight (GameObject obj, int aHeight)
void setTextureMaterial (GameObject obj, Material aMat)
Material getTextureMaterial (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteSize (GameObject obj, int aWidth, int aHeight)
void changeSpriteSizeFloat (GameObject obj, float aWidth, float aHeight)
Vector2 getSpriteSize (GameObject obj)
void changeBarWidthHeight (GameObject obj, int aWidth, int aHeight)
float getSpriteWidth (GameObject obj)
float getSpriteHeight (GameObject obj)
float getTextWidth (GameObject obj)
float getTextHeight (GameObject obj)
void forceUpdateText (GameObject obj)
void setAnchor (GameObject go, Vector2 anchor, Vector2 pivot, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
void setAnchoredPosition (GameObject go, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
void stretchToParent (GameObject go)
bool rectIntersectRect (GameObject r1, GameObject r2)
void getRectDiffs (GameObject child, GameObject container, ref Vector2 xDif, ref Vector2 yDif)
float getSpritePositionX (GameObject obj)
float getSpritePositionY (GameObject obj)
Vector2 getSpritePositionXY (GameObject obj)
float getSpritePivotTopToBot (GameObject obj)
Vector3 getPositionRelativeTransform (GameObject obj, GameObject relative)
void changePositionByRelativeTransform (GameObject obj, GameObject relative, Vector2 delta)
void changeSpritePositionTo (GameObject obj, Vector3 newPos)
void changeSpritePositionToX (GameObject obj, float newPos)
void changeSpritePositionToY (GameObject obj, float newPos)
Vector2 getChangeSpritePositionTo (GameObject obj, Vector2 newPos)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjBy (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, Vector3 changeAmt)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjByX (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, float changeAmt)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjByY (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, float changeAmt)
Vector2 getSpritePivot (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteParent (GameObject child, GameObject parent)
void getFirstCanvasOnSelfOrParent (Transform trans, ref Canvas canv)
void addRaycaster (GameObject obj)
void setAsNotInteractible (GameObject obj)
void bringSpriteToFront (GameObject obj)
void sendSpriteToBack (GameObject obj)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Text_Functions
void changeLabelText (GameObject obj, string aText)
void changeLabelFontSize (GameObject obj, int newFontSize)
Vector2 getTextSize (GameObject obj)
void changeSpritePivot (GameObject obj, WMGpivotTypes theType)
void changeLabelColor (GameObject obj, Color newColor)
void changeLabelFontStyle (GameObject obj, FontStyle newFontStyle)
void changeLabelFont (GameObject obj, Font newFont)

Member Data Documentation

◆ objectToMask

GameObject WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice.objectToMask

◆ pieRef

WMG_Pie_Graph WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice.pieRef

◆ sliceIndex

int WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice.sliceIndex

◆ slicePercent

float WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice.slicePercent

◆ slicePercentPosition

float WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice.slicePercentPosition

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