Graph Maker
WMG_Radar_Graph Class Reference

Class used for creating radar graphs. More...

Inheritance diagram for WMG_Radar_Graph:
WMG_Axis_Graph WMG_Graph_Manager WMG_Events WMG_GUI_Functions WMG_Text_Functions

Public Member Functions

new void Init ()
 Initializes the graph, and should always be done before anything else, called automatically in Start(), but it never hurts to call this manually after instantiating a graph prefab. More...
new void Refresh ()
 Refreshes the graph, and happens automatically in Update(), but sometimes it is useful or necessary to call this manually, note that refresh updates only the parts of the graph affected by properties that have changed since a last refresh. More...
void dataSeriesColorsChanged (bool editorChange, bool countChanged, bool oneValChanged, int index)
void labelStringsChanged (bool editorChange, bool countChanged, bool oneValChanged, int index)
void GridsChanged ()
void DataSeriesChanged ()
void LabelsChanged ()
new void GraphChanged ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Axis_Graph
int getMaxNumPoints ()
 The max number of points across all series. More...
int getMaxSeriesBarCount ()
 The max number of bars across all series. More...
int NumComboBarSeries ()
 The number of series that are combo bar series. More...
delegate void GraphBackgroundChangedHandler (WMG_Axis_Graph aGraph)
void Init ()
 Initializes the graph, and should always be done before anything else, called automatically in Start(), but it never hurts to call this manually after instantiating a graph prefab. More...
void Refresh ()
 Refreshes the graph, and happens automatically in Update(), but sometimes it is useful or necessary to call this manually, note that refresh updates only the parts of the graph affected by properties that have changed since a last refresh. More...
void ManualResize ()
 Useful if resizeEnabled = false, and you want to resize graph content manually by calling this when you want. More...
void SeriesChanged (bool countChanged, bool instant)
 Happens when a series points changed, this should not be used outside of Graph Maker code. More...
void aSeriesPointsChanged ()
 Happens when a series points changed, this should not be used outside of Graph Maker code. More...
void GraphChanged ()
 Happens when various elements of the graph has changed, this should not be used outside of Graph Maker code. More...
void setOriginalPropertyValues ()
 Caches initial property values that are used as the basis for resizeEnabled functionality. More...
void UpdateOrientation ()
 Updates the graph orientation, this should not be used outside of Graph Maker code. More...
void InEditorUpdate ()
 Update called from Editor window, should not be used outside of Graph Maker code. More...
float getDistBetween (int pointsCount, float theAxisLength)
void changeAllLinePivots (WMGpivotTypes newPivot)
List< Vector3 > getSeriesScaleVectors (bool useLineWidthForX, float x, float y)
float getMaxPointSize ()
void animScaleAllAtOnce (bool isPoint, float duration, float delay, Ease anEaseType, List< Vector3 > before, List< Vector3 > after)
 Animate all the points in all the series simultaneously. More...
void animScaleBySeries (bool isPoint, float duration, float delay, Ease anEaseType, List< Vector3 > before, List< Vector3 > after)
 Animate all the points in a single series simultaneously, and then proceed to the next series. More...
void animScaleOneByOne (bool isPoint, float duration, float delay, Ease anEaseType, List< Vector3 > before, List< Vector3 > after, int loopDir)
 Animate the points across multiple series simultaneously, and then proceed to the next points. More...
WMG_Series addSeries ()
 Create a new series and append it to the end. More...
void deleteSeries ()
 Delete the last series. More...
WMG_Series addSeriesAt (int index, WMG_Series.comboTypes comboType=WMG_Series.comboTypes.line)
 Create a new series and insert it at the specified index. More...
void deleteSeriesAt (int index)
 Delete a series at the specified index. More...
List< WMG_NodegetXAxisTicks ()
 Obsolete. More...
List< WMG_NodegetXAxisLabels ()
 Obsolete. More...
List< WMG_NodegetYAxisTicks ()
 Obsolete. More...
List< WMG_NodegetYAxisLabels ()
 Obsolete. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Graph_Manager
GameObject CreateNode (Object prefabNode, GameObject parent)
 Creates a node for this graph. More...
GameObject CreateLink (WMG_Node fromNode, GameObject toNode, Object prefabLink, GameObject parent)
 Creates a link for this graph, and repositions the link. More...
GameObject CreateLinkNoRepos (WMG_Node fromNode, GameObject toNode, Object prefabLink, GameObject parent)
 Creates a link for this graph, and does not repoisition the link. More...
WMG_Link GetLink (WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode)
 Given two nodes, get the link between those nodes for this graph. More...
GameObject ReplaceNodeWithNewPrefab (WMG_Node theNode, Object prefabNode)
 Given a node, and a prefab, re-instantiate the node using the specified prefab which has a WMG_Node script attached. More...
void DeleteNode (WMG_Node theNode)
 Deletes a node. More...
void DeleteLink (WMG_Link theLink)
 Deletes a link. More...
List< WMG_LinkFindShortestPathBetweenNodes (WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode)
 Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the number of links (unweighted), using Breadth-first search algorithm. More...
List< WMG_LinkFindShortestPathBetweenNodesWeighted (WMG_Node fromNode, WMG_Node toNode, bool includeRadii)
 Given two nodes return one or more shortest paths between the nodes based on the link weights (weighted), and also node radii if include radii is true, using Dijkstra's algorithm. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Events
delegate void WMG_Click_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addNodeClickEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Link_Click_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Link aLink, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addLinkClickEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Click_Leg_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addNodeClickEvent_Leg (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Link_Click_Leg_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Link aLink, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addLinkClickEvent_Leg (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Pie_Slice_Click_H (WMG_Pie_Graph pieGraph, WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice aSlice, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addPieSliceClickEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Pie_Legend_Entry_Click_H (WMG_Pie_Graph pieGraph, WMG_Legend_Entry legendEntry, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addPieLegendEntryClickEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Ring_Click_H (WMG_Ring ring, PointerEventData pointerEventData)
void addRingClickEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_MouseEnter_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state)
void addNodeMouseEnterEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Link_MouseEnter_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Link aLink, bool state)
void addLinkMouseEnterEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_MouseEnter_Leg_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Node aNode, bool state)
void addNodeMouseEnterEvent_Leg (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Link_MouseEnter_Leg_H (WMG_Series aSeries, WMG_Link aLink, bool state)
void addLinkMouseEnterEvent_Leg (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Pie_Slice_MouseEnter_H (WMG_Pie_Graph pieGraph, WMG_Pie_Graph_Slice aSlice, bool state)
void addPieSliceMouseEnterEvent (GameObject go)
delegate void WMG_Ring_MouseEnter_H (WMG_Ring ring, bool state)
void addRingMouseEnterEvent (GameObject go)
void addNodeMouseLeaveEvent (GameObject go)
void addLinkMouseLeaveEvent (GameObject go)
void addNodeMouseLeaveEvent_Leg (GameObject go)
void addLinkMouseLeaveEvent_Leg (GameObject go)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_GUI_Functions
void SetActive (GameObject obj, bool state)
bool activeInHierarchy (GameObject obj)
void SetActiveAnchoredSprite (GameObject obj, bool state)
void SetActiveImage (GameObject obj, bool state)
Texture2D getTexture (GameObject obj)
void setTexture (GameObject obj, Sprite sprite)
void changeSpriteFill (GameObject obj, float fill)
void changeRadialSpriteRotation (GameObject obj, Vector3 newRot)
void changeSpriteColor (GameObject obj, Color aColor)
void changeSpriteAlpha (GameObject obj, float alpha)
float getSpriteAlpha (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteWidth (GameObject obj, int aWidth)
void changeSpriteHeight (GameObject obj, int aHeight)
void setTextureMaterial (GameObject obj, Material aMat)
Material getTextureMaterial (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteSize (GameObject obj, int aWidth, int aHeight)
void changeSpriteSizeFloat (GameObject obj, float aWidth, float aHeight)
Vector2 getSpriteSize (GameObject obj)
void changeBarWidthHeight (GameObject obj, int aWidth, int aHeight)
float getSpriteWidth (GameObject obj)
float getSpriteHeight (GameObject obj)
float getTextWidth (GameObject obj)
float getTextHeight (GameObject obj)
void forceUpdateText (GameObject obj)
void setAnchor (GameObject go, Vector2 anchor, Vector2 pivot, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
void setAnchoredPosition (GameObject go, Vector2 anchoredPosition)
void stretchToParent (GameObject go)
bool rectIntersectRect (GameObject r1, GameObject r2)
void getRectDiffs (GameObject child, GameObject container, ref Vector2 xDif, ref Vector2 yDif)
float getSpritePositionX (GameObject obj)
float getSpritePositionY (GameObject obj)
Vector2 getSpritePositionXY (GameObject obj)
float getSpritePivotTopToBot (GameObject obj)
Vector3 getPositionRelativeTransform (GameObject obj, GameObject relative)
void changePositionByRelativeTransform (GameObject obj, GameObject relative, Vector2 delta)
void changeSpritePositionTo (GameObject obj, Vector3 newPos)
void changeSpritePositionToX (GameObject obj, float newPos)
void changeSpritePositionToY (GameObject obj, float newPos)
Vector2 getChangeSpritePositionTo (GameObject obj, Vector2 newPos)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjBy (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, Vector3 changeAmt)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjByX (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, float changeAmt)
void changeSpritePositionRelativeToObjByY (GameObject obj, GameObject relObj, float changeAmt)
Vector2 getSpritePivot (GameObject obj)
void changeSpriteParent (GameObject child, GameObject parent)
void getFirstCanvasOnSelfOrParent (Transform trans, ref Canvas canv)
void addRaycaster (GameObject obj)
void setAsNotInteractible (GameObject obj)
void bringSpriteToFront (GameObject obj)
void sendSpriteToBack (GameObject obj)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WMG_Text_Functions
void changeLabelText (GameObject obj, string aText)
void changeLabelFontSize (GameObject obj, int newFontSize)
Vector2 getTextSize (GameObject obj)
void changeSpritePivot (GameObject obj, WMGpivotTypes theType)
void changeLabelColor (GameObject obj, Color newColor)
void changeLabelFontStyle (GameObject obj, FontStyle newFontStyle)
void changeLabelFont (GameObject obj, Font newFont)

Public Attributes

WMG_List< Color > dataSeriesColors = new WMG_List<Color>()
 Colors of the series. More...
WMG_List< string > labelStrings = new WMG_List<string>()
 Labels for each point of the radar grid. More...
bool randomData
 Sets random data for demonstration purposes, should be set to false and set your own data. More...
List< WMG_Seriesgrids
 Reference to the radar grids. More...
List< WMG_SeriesdataSeries
 Reference to the radar data series. More...
WMG_Series radarLabels
 The radar labels. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from WMG_Axis_Graph
WMG_Axis yAxis
 The y axis. More...
WMG_Axis xAxis
 The x axis. More...
WMG_Axis yAxis2
 The secondary y axis when axesType = DUAL_Y. More...
WMG_List< string > groups = new WMG_List<string>()
 The list of groups used, see useGroups for info about groups. More...
Vector2 tooltipOffset
 The positional offset from the bottom left corner of the tooltip from the mouse cursor. More...
int tooltipNumberDecimals
 The numbr of decimals used when data is displayed in the tooltip. More...
bool tooltipDisplaySeriesName
 Whether or not the tooltip also displays the WMG_Series::seriesName to the left of the data in the tooltip. More...
bool tooltipAnimationsEnabled
 Whether or not an animation plays (e.g. More...
Ease tooltipAnimationsEasetype
 The tooltip animations easetype. More...
float tooltipAnimationsDuration
 The duration of the tooltip animations. More...
Ease autoAnimationsEasetype
 The auto animations easetype. More...
float autoAnimationsDuration
 The duration of the auto animations. More...
List< GameObject > lineSeries
 The list of series for this graph, it is a GameObject list, but each GameObject must have a WMG_Series. More...
List< Object > pointPrefabs
 The list of line series point prefabs to which WMG_Series::pointPrefab corresponds, for which a value of 0 will mean to use the first prefab in this list. More...
List< Object > linkPrefabs
 The list of line series line prefabs to which WMG_Series::linkPrefab corresponds, for which a value of 0 will mean to use the first prefab in this list. More...
Object barPrefab
 For bar graphs, this is the prefab used in drawing the bars for all series. More...
Object seriesPrefab
 Dynamically adding series with addSeries or addSeriesAt functions will use this prefab to create the new series. More...
WMG_Legend legend
 The legend. More...
GameObject graphTitle
 The graph title. More...
GameObject graphBackground
 The graph background. More...
GameObject anchoredParent
 A GameObject similar to the Graph Background object, but whose child objects use anchoring to position such as the legend. More...
GameObject graphAreaBoundsParent
 A GameObject whose RectTransform defines the bounding box formed by the graph's axes. More...
GameObject seriesParent
 The WMG_Series objects have this as their parent. More...
GameObject toolTipPanel
 The tool tip panel / parent. More...
GameObject toolTipLabel
 The tool tip label. More...
WMG_Graph_Tooltip theTooltip
 The tooltip. More...
bool resizingChangesFontScaleInsteadOfFontSize = false
 When resizeEnabled = true, the resizing process for Text objects will change the objects scale instead of font size when this is true. More...
WMG_Change_Obj graphC = new WMG_Change_Obj()
WMG_Change_Obj seriesCountC = new WMG_Change_Obj()
WMG_Change_Obj seriesNoCountC = new WMG_Change_Obj()
WMG_Change_Obj autoPaddingC = new WMG_Change_Obj()


int numPoints [get, set]
 Controls how many points or edges there are for the radar graph, so setting 5 here will make all the grids be pentagons. More...
Vector2 offset [get, set]
 This can be used for moving around the radar graph without moving the graph as a whole. More...
float degreeOffset [get, set]
 This allows rotating the content of the radar graph. More...
float radarMinVal [get, set]
 Defines the minimum value of the radar graph. More...
float radarMaxVal [get, set]
 Defines the maximum value of the radar graph, which determines what value represents the outer radius of the radar grids. More...
int numGrids [get, set]
 The number of grids that appear in the background for this radar graph. More...
float gridLineWidth [get, set]
 The line width of the radar grids. More...
Color gridColor [get, set]
 The color of the radar grids. More...
int numDataSeries [get, set]
 The number of data series. More...
float dataSeriesLineWidth [get, set]
 The line width of the data series. More...
Color labelsColor [get, set]
 The color of the text labels. More...
float labelsOffset [get, set]
 Positional offset of the labels. More...
int fontSize [get, set]
 Font size of the labels. More...
bool hideLabels [get, set]
 Whether to hide the labels. More...
- Properties inherited from WMG_Axis_Graph
graphTypes graphType [get, set]
 Gets or sets the type of the graph, which determines at a high level how data will be displayed. More...
orientationTypes orientationType [get, set]
 Gets or sets the type of the orientation, where vertical means the y-axis data will be displayed vertically. More...
axesTypes axesType [get, set]
 Determines how axes are oriented, the roman numerals refer to quadrants where quadrant 1 is the top right, and quadrant 4 is bottom right. More...
bool resizeEnabled [get, set]
 Determines whether graph content (resizeProperties) will resize post graph initialization based on the percentage change of the graph's rect transform width / height. More...
ResizeProperties resizeProperties [get, set]
 Specifies which graph content is resized when resizeEnabled = true. More...
bool useGroups [get, set]
 Determines whether the data for each series corresponds to an element in groups, where the (group index + 1) corresponds with WMG_Series::pointValues x value. More...
Vector2 paddingLeftRight [get, set]
 The amount of space on the left / right sides of the graph content formed by bounding box of the axis lines, and set automatically if autoPaddingEnabled = true. More...
Vector2 paddingTopBottom [get, set]
 The amount of space on the top / bottom sides of the graph content formed by bounding box of the axis lines, and set automatically if autoPaddingEnabled = true. More...
bool autoPaddingEnabled [get, set]
 When enabled, automatically sets paddingLeftRight and paddingTopBottom based on autoPaddingProperties and autoPaddingAmount. More...
AutoPaddingProperties autoPaddingProperties [get, set]
 The elements of graph content that is taken into consideration when autoPaddingEnabled = true. More...
float autoPaddingAmount [get, set]
 This is the amount of padding space between the graph content and graph boundary that is used when autoPaddingEnabled = true. More...
Vector2 theOrigin [get, set]
 The origin of the graph, affects position of axes if axesType is of an AUTO_ORIGIN type, also affects barAxisValue if autoUpdateBarAxisValue = true. More...
float barWidth [get, set]
 Determines the width of the series' bars for bar graphs. More...
float barAxisValue [get, set]
 Controls the starting point for bar charts. More...
bool autoUpdateOrigin [get, set]
 When enabled, automatically sets theOrigin based on axesType. More...
bool autoUpdateBarWidth [get, set]
 When enabled, automatically updates barWidth based on autoUpdateBarWidthSpacing. More...
float autoUpdateBarWidthSpacing [get, set]
 When autoUpdateBarWidth = true, automatically updates barWidth based on this specified percentage of the graph's axis length. More...
bool autoUpdateSeriesAxisSpacing [get, set]
 When enabled, automatically updates WMG_Series::extraXSpace, which is the padding of space for the series from the axis line. More...
bool autoUpdateBarAxisValue [get, set]
 When enabled, automatically updates barAxisValue based on the theOrigin. More...
int axisWidth [get, set]
 Determines the width of the x / y axis lines. More...
float autoShrinkAtPercent [get, set]
 When WMG_Axis::MinAutoShrink = true or WMG_Axis::MaxAutoShrink = true, determines percentage threshold at which an auto shrink occurs. More...
float autoGrowAndShrinkByPercent [get, set]
 When WMG_Axis::MinAutoShrink = true, WMG_Axis::MaxAutoShrink = true, WMG_Axis::MinAutoGrow = true, or WMG_Axis::MaxAutoGrow = true, determines the amount of an auto shrink / growth. More...
bool tooltipEnabled [get, set]
 Determines whether to show a tooltip when the mouse hovers over a series data point / bar. More...
bool autoAnimationsEnabled [get, set]
 When enabled, certain changes will automatically play an animation such as a data point changing its y-value, or the graph orientation changing. More...
Vector2 tickSize [get, set]
 Determines the width and height of axis ticks, for which there are WMG_Axis::AxisNumTicks if WMG_Axis::hideTicks = false. More...
string graphTitleString [get, set]
 The string to display for the title of the graph, which appears at the top of the graph. More...
Vector2 graphTitleOffset [get, set]
 The positional offset of graphTitleString used to control how much space there is between the graph title and the graph. More...
int graphTitleSize [get, set]
 The font size of graphTitleString. More...
float xAxisLength [get]
float yAxisLength [get]
float xAxisLengthOrienInd [get]
float yAxisLengthOrienInd [get]
bool IsStacked [get]
List< float > TotalPointValues [get]
 Contains the summed values for series' data, used for stacked charts. More...
bool autoFitLabels [get, set]
 Obsolete. More...
float autoFitPadding [get, set]
 Obsolete. More...
- Properties inherited from WMG_Graph_Manager
List< GameObject > NodesParent [get]
 The list of GameObjects which are WMG_Nodes for this graph. More...
List< GameObject > LinksParent [get]
 The list of GameObjects which are WMG_Links for this graph. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from WMG_Axis_Graph
enum  graphTypes {
  graphTypes.line, graphTypes.line_stacked, graphTypes.bar_side, graphTypes.bar_stacked,
  graphTypes.bar_stacked_percent, graphTypes.combo
enum  orientationTypes { orientationTypes.vertical, orientationTypes.horizontal }
enum  axesTypes {
  axesTypes.MANUAL, axesTypes.CENTER, axesTypes.AUTO_ORIGIN, axesTypes.AUTO_ORIGIN_X,
  axesTypes.AUTO_ORIGIN_Y, axesTypes.I, axesTypes.II, axesTypes.III,
  axesTypes.IV, axesTypes.I_II, axesTypes.III_IV, axesTypes.II_III,
  axesTypes.I_IV, axesTypes.DUAL_Y
enum  ResizeProperties {
  ResizeProperties.SeriesPointSize = 1 << 0, ResizeProperties.SeriesLineWidth = 1 << 1, ResizeProperties.SeriesDataLabelSize = 1 << 2, ResizeProperties.SeriesDataLabelOffset = 1 << 3,
  ResizeProperties.LegendFontSize = 1 << 4, ResizeProperties.LegendEntrySize = 1 << 5, ResizeProperties.LegendOffset = 1 << 6, ResizeProperties.AxesWidth = 1 << 7,
  ResizeProperties.AxesLabelSize = 1 << 8, ResizeProperties.AxesLabelOffset = 1 << 9, ResizeProperties.AxesTitleSize = 1 << 10, ResizeProperties.AxesLinePadding = 1 << 11,
  ResizeProperties.AxesArrowSize = 1 << 12, ResizeProperties.AutoPaddingAmount = 1 << 13, ResizeProperties.BorderPadding = 1 << 14, ResizeProperties.TickSize = 1 << 15,
  ResizeProperties.AxisTitleOffset = 1 << 16, ResizeProperties.GraphTitleSize = 1 << 17, ResizeProperties.GraphTitleOffset = 1 << 18
enum  AutoPaddingProperties {
  AutoPaddingProperties.Legend = 1 << 0, AutoPaddingProperties.XaxisTitle = 1 << 1, AutoPaddingProperties.YaxisTitle = 1 << 2, AutoPaddingProperties.Y2axisTitle = 1 << 3,
  AutoPaddingProperties.Title = 1 << 4
- Public Types inherited from WMG_Text_Functions
enum  WMGpivotTypes {
  WMGpivotTypes.Bottom, WMGpivotTypes.BottomLeft, WMGpivotTypes.BottomRight, WMGpivotTypes.Center,
  WMGpivotTypes.Left, WMGpivotTypes.Right, WMGpivotTypes.Top, WMGpivotTypes.TopLeft,
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WMG_Axis_Graph
virtual void OnGraphBackgroundChanged ()
- Events inherited from WMG_Axis_Graph
GraphBackgroundChangedHandler GraphBackgroundChanged
- Events inherited from WMG_Events
WMG_Click_H WMG_Click
 Occurs when a series point is clicked. More...
WMG_Link_Click_H WMG_Link_Click
 Occurs when a series link / line is clicked. More...
WMG_Click_Leg_H WMG_Click_Leg
 Occurs when a series legend node / swatch is clicked. More...
WMG_Link_Click_Leg_H WMG_Link_Click_Leg
 Occurs when a series legend link / line is clicked. More...
WMG_Pie_Slice_Click_H WMG_Pie_Slice_Click
 Occurs when a pie graph slice is clicked. More...
WMG_Pie_Legend_Entry_Click_H WMG_Pie_Legend_Entry_Click
 Occurs when a pie graph legend swatch is clicked. More...
WMG_Ring_Click_H WMG_Ring_Click
 Occurs when a ring graph ring / band is clicked. More...
WMG_MouseEnter_H WMG_MouseEnter
 Occurs when a series point is hovered. More...
WMG_Link_MouseEnter_H WMG_Link_MouseEnter
 Occurs when a series link / line is hovered. More...
WMG_MouseEnter_Leg_H WMG_MouseEnter_Leg
 Occurs when a series legend node / swatch is hovered. More...
WMG_Link_MouseEnter_Leg_H WMG_Link_MouseEnter_Leg
 Occurs when a series legend link / line is hovered. More...
WMG_Pie_Slice_MouseEnter_H WMG_Pie_Slice_MouseEnter
 Occurs when a pie graph slice is hovered. More...
WMG_Ring_MouseEnter_H WMG_Ring_MouseEnter
 Occurs when a ring graph ring / band is hovered. More...

Detailed Description

Class used for creating radar graphs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ DataSeriesChanged()

void WMG_Radar_Graph.DataSeriesChanged ( )

◆ dataSeriesColorsChanged()

void WMG_Radar_Graph.dataSeriesColorsChanged ( bool  editorChange,
bool  countChanged,
bool  oneValChanged,
int  index 

◆ GraphChanged()

new void WMG_Radar_Graph.GraphChanged ( )

◆ GridsChanged()

void WMG_Radar_Graph.GridsChanged ( )

◆ Init()

new void WMG_Radar_Graph.Init ( )

Initializes the graph, and should always be done before anything else, called automatically in Start(), but it never hurts to call this manually after instantiating a graph prefab.

◆ LabelsChanged()

void WMG_Radar_Graph.LabelsChanged ( )

◆ labelStringsChanged()

void WMG_Radar_Graph.labelStringsChanged ( bool  editorChange,
bool  countChanged,
bool  oneValChanged,
int  index 

◆ Refresh()

new void WMG_Radar_Graph.Refresh ( )

Refreshes the graph, and happens automatically in Update(), but sometimes it is useful or necessary to call this manually, note that refresh updates only the parts of the graph affected by properties that have changed since a last refresh.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dataSeries

List<WMG_Series> WMG_Radar_Graph.dataSeries

Reference to the radar data series.

◆ dataSeriesColors

WMG_List<Color> WMG_Radar_Graph.dataSeriesColors = new WMG_List<Color>()

Colors of the series.

◆ grids

List<WMG_Series> WMG_Radar_Graph.grids

Reference to the radar grids.

◆ labelStrings

WMG_List<string> WMG_Radar_Graph.labelStrings = new WMG_List<string>()

Labels for each point of the radar grid.

◆ radarLabels

WMG_Series WMG_Radar_Graph.radarLabels

The radar labels.

◆ randomData

bool WMG_Radar_Graph.randomData

Sets random data for demonstration purposes, should be set to false and set your own data.

Property Documentation

◆ dataSeriesLineWidth

float WMG_Radar_Graph.dataSeriesLineWidth

The line width of the data series.

The width of the data series line.

◆ degreeOffset

float WMG_Radar_Graph.degreeOffset

This allows rotating the content of the radar graph.

The degree offset.

◆ fontSize

int WMG_Radar_Graph.fontSize

Font size of the labels.

The size of the font.

◆ gridColor

Color WMG_Radar_Graph.gridColor

The color of the radar grids.

The color of the grid.

◆ gridLineWidth

float WMG_Radar_Graph.gridLineWidth

The line width of the radar grids.

The width of the grid line.

◆ hideLabels

bool WMG_Radar_Graph.hideLabels

Whether to hide the labels.

true if hide labels; otherwise, false.

◆ labelsColor

Color WMG_Radar_Graph.labelsColor

The color of the text labels.

The color of the labels.

◆ labelsOffset

float WMG_Radar_Graph.labelsOffset

Positional offset of the labels.

The labels offset.

◆ numDataSeries

int WMG_Radar_Graph.numDataSeries

The number of data series.

The number data series.

◆ numGrids

int WMG_Radar_Graph.numGrids

The number of grids that appear in the background for this radar graph.

The number grids.

◆ numPoints

int WMG_Radar_Graph.numPoints

Controls how many points or edges there are for the radar graph, so setting 5 here will make all the grids be pentagons.

The number points.

◆ offset

Vector2 WMG_Radar_Graph.offset

This can be used for moving around the radar graph without moving the graph as a whole.

The offset.

◆ radarMaxVal

float WMG_Radar_Graph.radarMaxVal

Defines the maximum value of the radar graph, which determines what value represents the outer radius of the radar grids.

The radar max value.

◆ radarMinVal

float WMG_Radar_Graph.radarMinVal

Defines the minimum value of the radar graph.

The radar minimum value.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: